Foolish Heroines
longlisted for the BPA First Novel Award 2020

Foolish Heroines is my first novel and it's published by Valley Press. I also write poetry. You can see more about my novel on the Foolish Heroines page of this website and there is a Poetry page.
Foolish Heroines is a joyful and uplifting read for the MeToo era.
Janina Reston is a language expert, translating fiendishly tricky Arabic and Asian mathematical and scientific texts. Words are her world. But she can’t find any to share with her husband Owen. Instead, she confides in a spider named Gladys (who may or may not be her deceased grandmother). Lily’s husband dies in a strange accident with a milk bottle, while Fatima writes biographies of unknown people and Zosia – whose most daring adventure thus far has been replacing jelly and ice cream with lemon meringue pie – runs off to Delhi with an Asian Women’s Sewing Group.
See what best selling author Katherine Webb has to say about the book on the Foolish Heroines page.
What are people saying about Foolish Heroines?
'The best novel I've ever sat on' Václav Havel
But is this really the former (previously presumed deceased) president of the Czech Republic - metamorphosed into cat form or is he just a regular lost cat with an unusual name and a liking for magic realism? What do you think? Why not read the book and decide? Check out what other people are saying about the novel on 'The Buzz' page.

My poetry has been published in many magazines and literary journals including Poetry Salzburg Review, Poetry Ireland Review, Stand, Ink Sweat and Tears etc and in a number of anthologies.
Reading groups and Discussion
I belong to a local reading group and love discussing books. There are some suggested ideas for book chats about Foolish Heroines on the Book chat page. I'd love to hear what your thoughts are either in writing or recorded. You could email me or do a voice recording or video. It could be a reading group discussion or just you with a friend or your own thoughts as an individual.
I always have a fiction book on the go and sometimes a non-fiction book as well. I think of this tree in the photo as
'the reading tree' as its lower branches look as if they are an open invitation to settle down with a couple of cushions and a book (and maybe something nice to drink as well) for a whole afternoon or summer evening.
Where is it? It's in Victoria Park, Bath.
My Blog is about my book and about reading in general and sometimes other things too. Do join me!